Konkan Geographers Association of India

Konkan Geographers Association of India (KGAI) is a Geographical Organization registered under the Societies Act of 1860, No. 21. KGAI was established in 2010 under the Presidential ship of Dr. Shivram Thakur. The Association has more than 300 Life Members from all over India and Globally. The Membership of KGAI is open to all research, Scholars and Specialist from India and Abroad.

Every year Association organizes Geography Day, GIS and Remote Sensing Training for Students, Prize Distribution of T.Y.B.A. Students, Field Visits and study tour for T.Y.B.A. Students in around the Districts. KGAI organizes its Annual National/International Conferences in collaboration with Departments of Geography of various Colleges and Institutions. During the last 10 years KGAI have been organized National and International level conferences in various States of India, with different focal themes. Organization providing platform to the researcher.

The Association started publishing Interdisciplinary Journal from 2012, THE KONKAN GEOGRAPHER (with Peer Reviewed and ISSN NO.2277-4858)